The Descendants of John Heywood

Biography of Samuel Estabrook Hartwell

From New England Families Genealogical and Memorial by William Richard Cutter, A.M.
New York, 1915

Page 402

Samuel Estabrook Hartwell, son of Samuel Estabrook Hartwell, was born in 1808, died August 15, 1860. He followed farming at Swanzey, Walpole and Langdon, New Hampshire. He married Lucy M. King of Hartford, Vermont, born April 1, 1815, died March 31, 1859. Children: 1. Ellen M., born July 6, 1836; married, in January, 1869, Charles M. Lovell, and had Anna and Frank. 2. Charles E., born February 3, 1839; married, November 8, 1860, Lucy A. Rice, and had Harry, born June 6, 1869, served in Company B, Fourteenth New Hampshire Regiment, in the civil war. 3. Sarah F., born February 2, 1842, died January 21, 1885; teacher at St. Luke's Hospital, New York, at Providence, Brooklyn, and near Philadelphia. 4. Harriet L., born December 1, 1848, married, December 14, 1872, Joseph B. Bishop, editor of the New York Evening Post, secretary of the Panama Commission; chilren: Alice, born January 19, 1876; Hartwell, June, 1880; Farnum, January 17, 1886. 5. Frederick W.

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