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From Our County and its people : a descriptive and biographical record of Madison County, New York
by John E. Smith, Boston, Boston Historical Co., 1899

Page 193

Fulller, Miss May, p.o. Chittenango. -- No more cherished names appear among the earlier annals of Sullivan than that of Fuller. The surviving representative of the honored name is Miss May Fuller of Chittenango, residing in the home made beautiful by the provident care and tast of her late father, Dr. Edward Fuller. A highly educated and estimable lady, a devoted communicant of the Episcopal church, she exercises a gecious hospitality. Dr. Edward Fuller was a native of Schenectady and graduated from the University of New York in 1828. Soon afterward he began the practice of medicine at Chittenango, being associated with his brother, Dr. Samuel Fuller, and spent the remainder of his life here. In 1840 he married Octavia Lee, and to them were born one son and two daughters. Dr. Fuller was a successful practitioner from the first and became one of the most prominent men of the locality in affairs of state and church. He brought into his practice of the healing art a large benevolence which, no less thn his professional skill, made his death in 1877 greatly lamented.

From Biographical review : this volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Madison County, New York, Boston, Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1894

Page 652, et. seq.

EDWARD FULLER, M.D., late estimable and well-beloved hysician of Chittenango, Madison County, was born February 19, 1807, in the city of Schenectady, N.Y., and died in this village, January 27, 1877, at the age of nearly seventy years. His parents were Jeremiah and Mary (Kendall) Fuller, who were both born in London, England. Jeremiah emigrated from his native country with his father, Samuel Fuller, to America, and settled for life in the city of Schenectady. Fourteen children were born to Jeremiah and Mary Fuller; and, with one exception, all lived to be over sixty years old, most of them together averaging seventy years. The father died June 18, 1839, at the age of seventy-two years.

Edward Fuller grew to manhood in Schenectady, advancing from lower to higher schools, and graduating from the college of that place. He afterward studied medicine in the University of the City of New York, and received his diploma from that institution in 1828. He came direct to the village of Chittenango, where he settled with his brother, Dr. Samuel Fuller. A successful practitioner from the very first, he never removed from Chittenango. In October of 1840 he married Miss Octavia Lee, who was born in Madison County, daughter of Abram and Betsey Lee, her father being a farmer. [I have found no Abram and Betsey Lee living in Madison County - obvious error] To Dr. and Mrs. Fuller were born three children, one son and two daughters. The son was but one year old when he died; and the daughter Elizabeht was taken away from the family in the bloom of maidenhood, at twenty years of age. Miss May, the only surviving member of the family, still resides in the old hime in the village. The mother died August 26, 1886, at the age of seventy years.

The good Doctor was one of the prominent men of the village, and well known for many miles around, devoted to his profession, in his healing ministrations making no distinction between those who could and those who could not recompense him. No matter how the wind blew or the storms raged, this good physician was ever attentive and alert to the call of duty, often travelling many weary miles into the country to attend the sick and suffering. Well educated in his profession, he early established himself in the esteem and confidence of the community. He also had a wide range of literary knowledge, which made him a delightful conversationalist, interesting and agreeable in society.

His death was looked on as a veritable calamity in his village, and now that the grass grows green over his grave his fragrant memory is still cherished. Politically, Dr. Fuller advocated the principles of the Democratic party, and, religiously, was a good Churchman. his wife was a Congregationalist church member. In the home made beautiful by his only child, Miss May Fuller, an estimable and highly educated lady, superintends her household wiht dignity and exercises a gracious hospitality. She is a graduate of the union schools of Schenectady, and a devoted communicant of the Episcopal church.

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